Minnamurra MediSpa is a professional skin care clinic offering high level care by Kathleen Hoskins, an experienced Registered Nurse. Our treatments are positioned between that of a beauty therapist and a specialist doctor.
Kathleen is a Clinical Nurse Specialist with nursing experience spanning 20 years. During this time she has worked as a Nurse Consultant with a range of Sydney’s top cosmetic general practitioners, specialist plastic surgeons, and a renowned Wollongong Dermatologist.
Kathleen has developed non-surgical aesthetic guidelines for many of these specialist rooms and values the knowledge and techniques she has developed working with specialist doctors. Her focus is to use less invasive techniques to reveal subtle, natural looking results with minimal downtime. She will happily refer you to another provider if she believes there is a better treatment option for you.
Minnamurra MediSpa offers a high quality personalised service in a luxurious and private setting on the Minnamurra River.
Treatment options include
A simple consult
to find out what may be of benefit for yourself, depending on your main concerns.
Tailored to your skin's specific needs on the day
and light peels
with active skincare including ingredients, such as Vitamin A, B, C, zinc, hyaluronic, and a host of plant based peptides and other beneficial ingredients to help support your skin.
Consultations for Teens
to help them to manage their breakouts
skin rejuvenation (Sciton BBL)
Sebaceous Gland Ablation (SGA) for recurrent breakout/acne
a permanent medication free treatment option suitable for teens and adults. I use the Cynosure/Ellman surgical radiofrequency unit and a very fine micro-insulated needle to perform this treatment.
Filler and anti-wrinkle injections
Available at both rooms: Minnamurra MediSpa and South Coast Skin & Vein Clinic (Wollongong)
We stock: Synergie Skin/ Synergie Minerals/ Synergie Practitioner/ Skin Nurse/ Eye Envy/ Surf Mud/ NU SKIN AP 24 toothpaste.
Kathleen is the clinical trainer Australia wide for the Sciton/BBL system for Ionia Medical.
How is Minnamurra MediSpa different to most other cosmetic clinics?
A lot of skin clinics rely on selling packages upfront to ensure you keep coming back, they rely on you spending extra each time you come by purchasing additional products. They usually recommend a series of micros, maybe then a series or ‘enzyme’ treatments, and perhaps some sessions with light therapy, the list goes on.
The aim is to get you back 10-15 time maximising your spend.
You usually leave feeling like you have been locked in or coerced into something you are not entirely sure of its value & worried you have spent too much. I don’t like this approach, in fact I despise it. Often your condition can be addressed with one to three treatments straight up. If my treatment works for you and you are happy with your result you will continue to come back for the same high quality honest care. I don’t need to sell you a package to make you come back, you should want to return based on the results and care you have received.
When I meet you I will ask you to look in the mirror and point to what bothers you. It is important that I see what you see. I can then advise of different treatment options. By discussing all of your options I can put you in a position where you make an informed decision, with a risk profile you understand and hopefully a budget that you are comfortable with. My patients really value my honesty, and my dream to help everyone have the quality of skin they desire without breaking the household budget and feeling guilty for looking after yourself.
Sometimes I don’t have the treatment available that you need. I may need to send you to see someone else, which I don’t hesitate in doing. In this case I may apply a $55 consultation fee, so that I can honestly send you where you need to go and not need to sell my own treatments to cover my time. I have a lot of experience working with multiple plastic surgeons and dermatologists, as well as GP’s that specialise in cosmetic and skin and skin cancer care. This approach is ethical and fair to both you and I. In my opinion you don’t get led up a garden path.
To book an initial skin consultation with Kathleen please click here.
Meet Kathleen

I have a passion for laser/BBL/ & radiofrequency skin treatments. Different energy sources, fluences and wavelengths can help to change, re-juvenate, and stimulate the skin safely and effectively. I look forward to meeting you soon and helping you on your skincare & wellness journey.
With warm regards,