Firstly your skin is assessed, and treatments offered if we believe we can make a significant difference to your skin.
We have lots of options to help you. Registered Nurse Kathleen Hoskins will work in conjunction with your GP or doctor if this is of benefit to you. Treatments don’t have to be expensive, Kathleen will do her best to find an option to fit your budget.
Treatment options include
With active skincare products
Sebaceous Gland Ablation
(An effective treatment with long term results that hurts less than squeezing! Read more about this further down the page, or look up the SGA tab. You can thank me later!
With RF (Secret RF)- much more than skin needling alone, insulated needles available.
Target Acne Effectively
A series of Laser/Sciton BBL treatments (no downtime) to specifically target that bacteria that build up in skin prone to breakout
Home use medical LED masks
I stock these, a great saving as you can treat at home when you need it and not have to attend a clinic multiple times a week.
In clinic cleansing
Medi-facials including micro-dermabrasion, extractions and a gentle peel if required.
Additional Photo-rejuvenation treatments
With the Sciton Broad Band Light (BBL) to reduce the brown spots and red marks that pimples often leave behind.
Kathleen has suffered acne and breakout throughout her teenage years and well into her late 20’s. Having now found a solution, she has a huge passion for supporting people through this condition. Her extensive experience is paramount to the results you can achieve. Each treatment is expertly engineered to achieve the desired response.
Reserve your treatment online
Ongoing Medi-facial's including Micro-dermabrasion and a light peel | $130 each, add $35 if the Blue light treatment is required
(This is below cost, but if it helps Kathleen is happy to do this for you- she had 20 years or acne herself!)
Sebaceous Gland Ablation (SGA) is $220 for a full treatment, this appointment is extensive and not a quick 10-15 minute appointment.
What our clients say
Look no further - Kathleen has it!!
And the 'bedside manner' to suit."
As promised, more about:
Sebaceous Gland Ablation (SGA) is groundbreaking for Acne sufferers, particular those with adult acne, or mediaction resistant breakout. AGS is a permanent, medication free, solution for acne and breakout. It is suitable for teenagers and adults. We are one of the only clinics offering this treatment on the NSW south coast/ Illawarra region
SGA is used to treat specifically the glands that are involved in your active breakout/cysts at the time of treatment, we have thousands of sebaceous glands in our skin – approximately 1200 per square centimeter of skin. Only a small percentage of these sebaceous glands cause acne and breakout, even in the most severe cases of acne, When we treat during active phase of breakout we target the glands specifically causing the trouble.
The skin is cleaned thoroughly, then a micro (very small) insulated (protected) needle is inserted into the affected follicle/cyst and a small burst of energy is delivered to destroy the sebaceous gland. Once the sebaceous gland is “ablated” or destroyed, it can no longer break out. Only active acne can be treated as we use the inflamed breakout as a guide to finding the affected sebaceous glands.

No more than squeezing usually would. I find it to be more gentle as there is no pressure applied, and as you know those breakout lesions are very tender when you apply pressure! The micro insulated needle is as fine as an acupuncture needle, some ablations you feel, and others you don’t feel at all.
The treatment is suitable for both female and males, any age (generally 13 years and above- please bring a parent if you are under 18 years old). Sebaceous gland ablation can be performed on any active acne lesion, from a lesion as tiny as a blackhead to lesions as large as cysts. Multiple treatments are generally required to ablate each sebaceous gland (between two and five treatments).
Depending on the number of breakout affected sebaceous glands you have, it can take a number of treatments before you become permanently breakout free. I leave the number of treatments up to the individual to decide as only you know how fussy you are! Treatments are not done when taking Roaccutane or for 6 months immediately after Roaccutane therapy. Treatments can be done if you are taking the contraceptive pill, long term antibiotics for the treatment of your breakout, and when using most topically applied acne treatments:
Please discuss what you are currently using with Kathleen when you come in for a consultation or treatment. You are welcome to come in for a consultation first (There is a $55 fee, but this is usually only charged if you don’t go on to book treatment or if Kathleen advises that you seek alternative treatment elsewhere), you can book directly in for treatment. Kathleen will advise if the treatment is not suitable for you.
- Downtime: There is minimal downtime with this treatment. Single acne lesions which are treated temporarily become more inflamed but usually settle within 24-48 hours.
- Preparation: There is no particular preparation for this treatment, however, it is best to do it when active acne lesions are most inflamed.
- Approximate Cost: A single treatment of Sebaceous Gland Ablation is $165. I don’t offer packages for this treatment as we don’t know how many treatments you will need/want. I do my very best to treat as many lesions as possible with each and every treatment and to make the treatments as affordable as possible. I had cystic acne for 17 years myself so finding a suitable treatment option for all of my patients is paramount.
Registered Nurse Kathleen Hoskins will treat you each and every time you come to Minnamurra MediSpa. Kath has been in this business for over 2o years and prides herself on the quality of her work. Each treatment is tailored specifically to your individual needs, she does not aim to up-sell or get you back for loads of treatments until you decide to go elsewhere. Her aim is to treat you as minimally as possible to keep it affordable and then only maintenance treatments as needed. If you can manage your condition with home-care products such as the Skin Nurse ‘Combat’ serum, or if home-care will reduce the amount of treatments needed, Kathleen will recommend accordingly. Her patients are very loyal as it can be hard to find a practitioner who cares as much as she does!
Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.